Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Harder Than I Thought

All of this is much harder than I thought in every possible way.  How do I explain to my 13 year old boy that I am divorcing his father and moving him and I to a new house?  How do I know how much the judge will award me for child support and spousal maintenance so I can rent a house and move out?  How do I know if my plans for a future career will work out and even if I'll like the career that I choose to pursue?  How will I support myself and my children after a lifetime of being supported?
Right now I just know that I'm doing the right thing by leaving this marriage and man. The rest will have to wait. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Lot of Stuff

In twenty years a couple with two kids can accumulate a lot of stuff.  It's mind boggling to look around our house and see all of it.  Wondering what to do with it all.  Will I be allowed to take some of it?  Will I have to buy all new stuff and where does that  money come from?  It's all just so complicated and confusing right now. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lawyers or Mediation?

At first I was dead set against getting lawyers to fight this out. 
A friend made me realize that to just take child support and go would be short-changing myself.  After all, I've made it possible for this man to make the money for all of these years.  He travels for work and I stay at home and take care of the house, kids, animals, etc.  I manage all of the household finances.  When he comes home to a clean house and a hot meal, I do his laundry, clean up after him, make sure our children are where they are supposed to be, looking good, clean and healthy. 
I have been taking care of him for 20 years.  I am now considered unskilled and aged out of the workplace. 
What other choice do I have?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Drug Use

My husband has a drug problem and I knew this when I married him.  My mistake and a stupid one, I know.  He said he'd stop when we got married, then when we had children, then before the kids were old enough to know better.  He thinks marijuana is a harmless drug and will "educate" you about it if need be.  I'll tell you how innocuous it really is.  It's one of the main reasons I'm divorcing this man.  My oldest son is in a recovery program for drug users at a teen jail.  He first saw his father smoking pot when he was about 9.  My husband never told me, if he had it would have ended our marriage right then.  I found this out after my son's first felony drug conviction when he was in 9th grade.  My son yelled, "YOU MARRIED A POT SMOKER, WHY DO YOU LET HIM AND NOT ME?"  I had no answer. What could I possibly have said to that? 

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Talk

Me: Can you talk for a few minutes?
Him: sure (didn't turn off tv or even look at me)
Me: Where are you, in your head, about us divorcing.
Him: I'm not making a move until you do.  I know you don't want to be with me any more. 
Me: I'm not asking about that, I want to know if you're ready emotionally.  Emotionally, where are you?  Are you ready?
Him: In the state of (my state) the such and such and so and so
Me: (breaking in) All that can be figured out later, I really need to know if you are ready for a divorce.
Him: Well like I was saying when you interrupted, in the state of ( our state) the such and such and so and so 
Me: (breaking in, again) I really don't want to talk about that and that isn't important right now.  Are you willing to visit with a mediator?
Him: What's a mediator?
Me: It's a person who draws up the papers without a fight, they find out what is acceptable between both parties and keep it out of court.  It costs less and is much more friendly, so we wouldn't be fighting, with lawyers, in court.
Him: I don't have any fight in me.  The point is that in the state of (our state) the such and such and so and so
Me: (breaking in, again) Are you willing to meet with a mediator?
Him: Ok

He is always trying to out-talk me and I used to let it happen and not know what to do about it.  He could be a lawyer himself the way he argues about every thing.  I used to stand there (or sit there) red faced as he did this in front of people I cared about, embarrassed.  Now I sigh heavily and ignore it, never answering but letting him go on and on while my eyes (and everyone elses) glaze over. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why Does a Woman Marry a Controlling Man?

I only know why I did.  I married him because he was financially stable, had nice parents that I could imagine dealing with for many years, we were both ready for marriage and because he could make me orgasm.  That's the truth. 
Now he screams in my face that I should GET A FUCKING JOB, his mother has passed away (but his father and I are still close) and we haven't had sex in almost 2 years. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Beginning

I should have known 20 years ago what I was getting in to.  We looked at different venues for our wedding but ultimately ended up getting married in the church of his faith, which he doesn't practice. He said it was because it would kill his parents if we didn't get married in the "family" church.  It turned out that they didn't care, it was a lie.  My father-in-law-to-be picked up the forms for my registration and although it wasn't at a store that sold my style of things, my husband told me his father would be very hurt if I didn't register there.  I did and I've hated my dishes for 20 years.  My husband to be told everyone at our wedding that "there would be no divorce, only a funeral".  We went on the honeymoon of his dreams that he had planned long before we even met.  It was wonderful, maybe a little over-the-top which many women would have loved but I wanted to go to the Poconos, an old fashioned, romantic, simple honeymoon. This is how it went for the next 20 years.