Monday, August 15, 2011

The Talk

Me: Can you talk for a few minutes?
Him: sure (didn't turn off tv or even look at me)
Me: Where are you, in your head, about us divorcing.
Him: I'm not making a move until you do.  I know you don't want to be with me any more. 
Me: I'm not asking about that, I want to know if you're ready emotionally.  Emotionally, where are you?  Are you ready?
Him: In the state of (my state) the such and such and so and so
Me: (breaking in) All that can be figured out later, I really need to know if you are ready for a divorce.
Him: Well like I was saying when you interrupted, in the state of ( our state) the such and such and so and so 
Me: (breaking in, again) I really don't want to talk about that and that isn't important right now.  Are you willing to visit with a mediator?
Him: What's a mediator?
Me: It's a person who draws up the papers without a fight, they find out what is acceptable between both parties and keep it out of court.  It costs less and is much more friendly, so we wouldn't be fighting, with lawyers, in court.
Him: I don't have any fight in me.  The point is that in the state of (our state) the such and such and so and so
Me: (breaking in, again) Are you willing to meet with a mediator?
Him: Ok

He is always trying to out-talk me and I used to let it happen and not know what to do about it.  He could be a lawyer himself the way he argues about every thing.  I used to stand there (or sit there) red faced as he did this in front of people I cared about, embarrassed.  Now I sigh heavily and ignore it, never answering but letting him go on and on while my eyes (and everyone elses) glaze over. 

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